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How to Calm Down a Hyper Dog?

Posted by Jeffrey Powers on
A hyperactive dog sticking his tongue out

Every dog owner cherishes those moments of play and boundless energy their furry friend brings to their life. However, when that vivacity turns into hyperactivity, managing a constantly energetic pup can become a challenge. Just as humans exhibit a range of temperaments and energy levels, dogs too can vary greatly, with some showcasing heightened energy levels that can be overwhelming for both the pet and the owner.

Understanding the underlying causes of a dog's hyperactivity and implementing effective calming strategies can transform the dynamics of your relationship with your canine companion. Whether it's a result of environmental stimuli, breed predisposition, or behavioral factors, knowing how to soothe an overexcited dog is essential for their well-being and your peace of mind. If you're navigating the challenges of a hyperactive pup, keep reading to uncover practical and compassionate strategies to bring tranquility to both your lives.

Two dogs running in a field

Soothing Strategies

Daily Physical Exercise

One of the most effective ways to channel your dog's boundless energy is through physical exercise. A tired dog is a happy, calm dog. Setting aside at least an hour a day for play and exploration can significantly reduce instances of hyperactivity. Whether it's running along a beach, playing fetch, or simply taking a walk, this time is crucial for your dog's physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, engaging in various exercises prevents monotony and keeps the activities fresh and exciting for your pet. Just as humans benefit from a change in workout routines, dogs too appreciate varied exercises.

Outdoor activities not only provide the physical exercise dogs need but also expose them to new sights, sounds, and smells, offering vital sensory stimulation. These experiences can be mentally enriching, keeping their minds as active as their bodies. Remember, while a sandy beach outing might be fun, it also implies a cleanup session at home, so always be prepared with the right grooming tools!

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Calming Treats

Calming treats can be an excellent way to help soothe an overly energetic or anxious dog. Ingredients like Valerian root, hemp, and chamomile are often found in these chews due to their natural calming properties. These ingredients have been traditionally used in herbal medicine for their soothing effects.

However, it's essential to always read the ingredients and consult with your vet before introducing any new treats to your dog's diet. Not all dogs react the same way to supplements, so observation is key. Monitoring your pet after administering such treats ensures they don't have any adverse reactions and receive the desired calming effects.

Crate Train

A crate can provide a safe and comforting space for your dog. When introduced correctly, it can become a place of solace and calm, almost like a personal bedroom for them. An equipped crate with comfortable bedding and some of their favorite toys can make it an appealing place for rest. Gradual introduction is vital to ensure the crate is not viewed as punishment. Start with shorter durations and reward them for calm behavior inside the crate. Over time, this space can be an effective tool in reducing anxiety and providing a structured environment for your dog.

Give Them a Hobby

Mental stimulation is as important as physical activity. Interactive toys can provide the challenge and engagement your dog needs to stave off boredom and excessive energy. From kibble-dispensing toys to treat-dispensing puzzles, these activities keep your dog's brain occupied and help to tire them out mentally. The cognitive challenges presented by these toys can help improve problem-solving skills in dogs. Not all toys need to revolve around food. Hide and seek toys, for instance, tap into your dog's natural instincts to seek and retrieve, providing a fun, food-free challenge. Rotate toys frequently to keep their interest piqued. Always ensure the toy's difficulty level matches your dog's capabilities to prevent frustration and maintain their interest.

Basic Commands

Obedience training is an invaluable tool. Teaching your dog basic commands offers a way to manage their behavior effectively. When a dog knows what's expected of them, they're more likely to remain calm and less likely to engage in hyperactive behaviors. It also fosters a bond of trust between the owner and the dog. Consistent training, patience, and positive reinforcement can help instill these behaviors, making everyday activities more manageable and less stressful. Regular training sessions, even if brief, can also serve as a form of mental stimulation for your dog.

Routine and Flow

Dogs thrive on routine. Knowing what to expect throughout their day can significantly reduce anxiety and hyperactivity. A structured daily routine, including feeding, playtime, walks, and relaxation, can make a world of difference. This predictability can be a source of comfort for your dog. Consistency in this routine offers a sense of security, reducing unpredictable behaviors and promoting calmness. Just like how children thrive on a routine, dogs too find solace in knowing what comes next in their day.

Related Link: Learn More about CBD Use in Pets

CBD: A Natural Alternative for Calming Hyperactivity

CBD, or cannabidiol, is rapidly gaining popularity among pet owners due to its potential benefits in managing a range of conditions, including hyperactivity and anxiety in dogs. Extracted from the hemp plant, CBD offers therapeutic effects without the psychoactive properties found in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

Understanding CBD:

CBD engages with the endocannabinoid network found in all mammals, dogs included. This network is crucial in managing a range of bodily functions like mood, perception of pain, and importantly, stress and anxiety responses. By modulating the ECS, CBD can potentially promote a calming effect, reducing signs of anxiety and hyperactivity in dogs.

Choosing the Right Product:

When considering CBD for your pet, it's crucial to choose a high-quality product specifically formulated for animals. This ensures that it is free from THC and other harmful ingredients. Also, opting for organic, third-party tested CBD products provides an extra layer of safety and assurance.

Dosage and Administration:

The right dosage of CBD depends on your dog's size, age, and the severity of their symptoms. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it while observing your dog's reactions is often recommended. CBD can be administered as oils, capsules, or even as treats. However, always consult with your veterinarian before introducing CBD to ensure it's a suitable option for your pet and to determine the correct dosage.

Overall Benefits:

Beyond calming hyperactivity, CBD might offer additional health benefits, such as supporting joint health, alleviating pain, and reducing inflammation. Its holistic approach to promoting overall well-being makes it an appealing option for many pet owners looking for natural solutions.

Ready to experience the benefits of CBD and hemp products? Checkout our selection today. 

A big grey dog relaxed on a floor

Towards a Calmer Canine Companion

In managing a dog's hyperactivity and promoting their well-being, a multifaceted approach encompassing physical activity, mental stimulation, training, and environmental factors proves most effective. Recognizing the interplay between these elements and implementing tailored strategies not only benefits the dog's overall health but also fosters a stronger bond between pet and owner. Ultimately, consistent efforts in understanding and addressing a dog's needs lead to a harmonious coexistence and a happier, calmer canine companion.

Related Link: How Much CBD Do I Give My Pet?

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