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Hemp vs CBD for Dogs: Understanding the Difference

Posted by Jeffrey Powers on
a man giving CBD oil to a dog

In the expanding realm of natural supplements for pets, hemp and CBD have emerged as two leading contenders, often celebrated for their potential health benefits. While they both hail from the cannabis plant family, their composition, effects, and purposes can differ markedly. This distinction becomes especially important for pet owners keen on providing the best care for their furry companions, ensuring they are equipped with accurate knowledge to make informed decisions.

Delineating between hemp and CBD for dogs is more than a mere exercise in semantics—it's about understanding the unique properties each brings to the table and how they can cater to a dog's specific needs. Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or a newcomer to the world of canine supplements, grasping these differences is crucial. Keen to explore the intricacies of hemp and CBD for your four-legged friend? Dive in as we unpack the nuances of each, shedding light on their respective benefits and applications.

What Is Hemp Oil?

Hemp, a specific type of cannabis plant, stands apart from its high-THC cousin, marijuana. Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp—with THC levels below 0.3%—has been recognized as distinct and non-psychoactive. Derivatives of this plant, like hemp seed oil, are all about nutrition and wellness, without the "high." This distinction ensures that pet owners can harness the benefits of hemp without worrying about any psychoactive effects on their furry companions. Furthermore, the broad acceptance of hemp products indicates a shift towards natural solutions in pet care.

Related Link: How Much CBD Do I Give My Pet?

Production and Composition

Hemp seed oil results from the cold-pressing of Cannabis sativa seeds. Unlike other parts of the plant, these seeds don’t carry cannabinoids like CBD or THC. Instead, hemp seed oil boasts a rich profile of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vital vitamins like B and D. The oil finds its way into numerous human foods and beauty products. Recognizing its value, some pet owners are now integrating hemp seed oil into their pet's diet, anticipating a boost in overall health. Its non-intoxicating properties combined with its rich nutritional content make it an attractive option.

CBD Oil for Pets: Beyond Nutrition


Unveiling CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound hailing from the hemp plant. The method of its extraction—be it CO2 or ethanol extraction—yields a product that influences the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system, shared by humans and animals alike, impacts various bodily functions from digestion to sleep. Through interacting with the ECS, CBD offers potential therapeutic benefits. Many pet owners are turning to CBD to address specific challenges their pets face, from anxiety to joint discomfort.

Characteristics of Quality CBD Oil

Pet owners venturing into the CBD realm should be discerning. Top-quality CBD oil for pets should be THC-free, ensuring no psychoactive effects. It's paramount to check for a Certificate of Analysis from a third-party lab. This certificate provides transparency and confirms the product's purity and potency. Additionally, selecting CBD oil made from U.S.-grown hemp ensures adherence to the rigorous standards set post the 2018 Farm Bill. Trustworthiness in sourcing and product testing are vital when considering your pet's well-being.

Related Link: About Beaver Island Hemp

A close up photo of hemp plants

CBD Oil Types

CBD oils can differ based on their extraction process and composition. While CBD isolate provides pure CBD, full spectrum CBD oil contains an array of hemp plant compounds, including trace THC amounts. Broad spectrum CBD, however, offers a balance—it contains various hemp compounds but lacks THC. These different types cater to pet owners' preferences, allowing them to choose products based on their comfort level with THC content and desired benefits.

Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD oil for pets has grown in popularity as pet owners witness its potential benefits. From mitigating separation issues, aiding in noise aversion, to supporting physical comfort and stress management, CBD oil offers an array of wellness solutions for our furry friends. These diverse benefits demonstrate CBD's versatility, making it a favorite among many pet owners looking to address specific behavioral or health challenges.

A black dog being hand fed a CBD treat

Methods of Giving CBD

Offering CBD to dogs and cats can be an enjoyable experience. Pet owners can opt for tinctures, treats, wellness formulas, or even topicals, each carrying its unique benefits and application methods. Tinctures, for instance, can be added directly to food, while treats can be a delicious reward. Topicals can target specific areas, providing localized relief. With the wide variety of products available, pet owners can find the best mode of CBD delivery to suit their pet's needs and preferences.

Hemp vs CBD for Dogs

Understanding the difference between hemp oil and CBD for dogs is crucial for pet owners. While hemp oil primarily focuses on providing a rich nutritional profile, CBD oil targets various wellness and behavioral aspects, thanks to its influence on the endocannabinoid system. Both hemp and CBD bring unique benefits to the table, offering holistic care options for our furry companions. As you consider incorporating these into your pet's routine, ensure you're sourcing the highest quality products. For top-tier CBD and hemp selections, don't forget to check out Beaver Island Hemp. Their dedication to quality ensures your pet gets the best care possible.

Searching for high-quality CBD and hemp products? View our collection today. 

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